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Shyam Sreekumar
Shyam Sreekumar (born April 18, 1980) is a writer and director. Born to Sreekumar Menon and Suma Sreekumar, and growing up in Palakkad, he is a man of word, emotional, and a hardworking goal seeker just as his father taught him to be. He became a script associate of Anoop Menon for a year and a half and he then wrote his debut film Cocktail (2010). A few other of his accomplished works in Malayalam industry are horror-mysteries like Bangles (2013) and the upcoming movie The Priest (2021).
भारत की बात
दूध की एक बूँद के लिए मर चुकी माँ के स्तन को चूस रही थी बच्ची: मोपला नरसंहार की एक कहानी, है अनगिनत
बच्ची दूध की एक बूँद के लिए अपनी मृत माँ के स्तन को चूस रही थी। नीलमपुर मानववेदन तिरुमुलपद के दूसरे राजा ने उसे गोद लिया और कमला नाम रखा।